Wednesday 18 December 2013

Shocking: How Man Tried To Beat Baby Out Of His Pregnant Girlfriend

A man, identified as Craig Thomas attempted beating the baby out of his 11 weeks pregnant girlfriend, with the pipe from a vacuum cleaner.
Craig Thomas beat his partner, who was 11 weeks pregnant, with the pipe from a vacuum cleaner three times in what a judge said was one of the
worst cases of domestic violence he had ever seen.
Thomas and the victim met at a night club in Cardiff and began a relationship early this year and she then the defendant moved into her home in Llanishen. Barely 2 weeks they moved in together, Thomas began acting violently towards her, initially on a weekly basis before it soon became a daily occurrence.
On one occasion, Thomas, 33, threatened to to pull the terrified woman's teeth out, hit her with a hammer before ordering her to make him a cup of tea, and frightened her so much that she wet herself.
In another incident he assaulted her because she didn’t have any sugar for his cereal. Over the course of the relationship, the court heard how he had also burnt the victim with cigarettes, head-butted, kicked and punched her.

On June 6 this year, she told Thomas she was 11 weeks pregnant only for him to react more violently. On three occasions he took a pipe off a vacuum cleaner and hit her repeatedly on the stomach, saying he would 'beat the baby out of her'.
The violence finally came to police attention after she ran out of the house in her pyjamas one night to a nearby garage, the court heard, where one of the garage workers had described her as looking 'very battered'. She was taken to hospital and Thomas was arrested.

Thomas pleaded guilty to the crime.
The judge who described the crime as the worst cases of domestic abuse he had ever encountered, gave Thomas a concurrent prison sentence of 10 years in total for his five charges, as well as ordering him to pay £120 in costs.


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